Russell & Smith Honda

Aug 17, 2017

Spark Plugs in Houston, TX - Russell & Smith HondaYou probably understand basic automotive maintenance needs, such as engine oil. But not everyone knows what spark plugs do or how important they are. With a malfunctioning plug you could get a more sluggish and inefficient performance, and in the worst case misfiring and refusal to start. It’s never a good idea to leave a spark plug issue alone because it could potentially cause other, more serious issues with the engine. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that your Honda has an aging or faulty spark plug.


Rough Idling

Spark plugs make constant sparks at the exact right time to ignite a fuel-filled chamber and move the pistons in your engine. If a plug is firing at the wrong time, you may feel a shaky or uncomfortable idling pattern. Idling engines only move at about 1000 RPM, which should feel very mild on the driver. If your Honda makes an uncomfortable amount of noise or vibration at such low RPM, it could be a spark plug issue.



Misfiring is when a vehicle’s engine stops running for a split second. It’s usually accompanied by a loud pop or other noise and can also have an unpleasant smell from increased emissions. When an engine’s normal operation gets interrupted, it expends more fuel to stay at its current pace. Several different parts can cause misfiring besides the spark plugs, but in any case you should get your vehicle to a mechanic immediately before the problem worsens.


Stubborn Ignition

One of the easiest signs of spark plug issues is if it’s hard to start your car. It takes a lot of energy to get a stationary engine turning and fully awake, and improper piston timing puts a lot more strain on the process. Also, think about your battery’s behavior in the long term, because ideally, you should never have to charge it if you drive it regularly. If you find your battery power unreasonably short-lived, a faulty plug could be draining more energy with each start.


Acceleration Issues

Finally, spark plugs could be the culprit behind sluggish and hesitant acceleration. This often makes it feel like your car isn’t responding as much or as quickly as it used to when you push on the gas pedal. Another more pressing problem is surging, where the engine jerks into higher RPM and then slows, but doesn’t remain consistent while cruising. This is especially dangerous and makes your vehicle less reliable, so have your vehicle towed to a mechanic if it reaches that point.


If you ignore issues like the ones above, you could burn through fuel up to 30 percent faster and rack up a list of other alarming engine problems. Spark plugs are mass-produced, and it’s normal for one or two to break over the many years of owning a vehicle. What matters is that you detect the difference in your Honda’s behavior and get the plug replaced by a skilled technician. Feel free to visit our service department if or when you’re concerned about your spark plugs. We’ll diagnose the situation quickly and get your engine back to full health.


Photo by spongebabyalwaysfull | Licensed under public domain Mark 1.0